Photos of Colorado Barn in Parker CO
Please view our Photos of Colorado Barn in Parker CO. The 17 Mile House Farm Park is located in in Parker, CO. The photos of the Old Parker Colorado Barn located on this page were taken in the afternoon of May 25, 2104.
Gallery: Photos of Colorado Barn Parker CO
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About The Old Colorado Barn at The 17 Mile House
The 17 Mile House is a 150-year old property that served as an important resting stop for pioneers traveling on the Cherokee – Smoky Hill wagon trails in the 1860’s. Arapahoe County designated this a heritage area which includes a historic house, red barn, silo and milk shed (restored in the early 1900’s), as well as two replica windmills and 30 acres of open space. The 17 Mile House Farm was restored to its known condition in the early 1900’s, as well as two replica windmills and 30 acres of open space. The Farm Park includes a trail head connecting the Cherry Creek Regional Trail, picnic tables, a parking lot and restroom. In 2001, nine entities collaborated to preserve this valuable piece of Colorado history and provide an open space area for the public to enjoy.
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